Netzwerk Europa
As chairman of Netzwerk Europa, the Alumni network of the Studienkolleg zu Berlin, I organized events and seminars in Berlin and European cities. Netzwerk Europa gathers scholars and young professionals from all over Europe.
For example, in 2009, we organized a small workshop on the future or European cities in times of climate change. You can find the program here. In 2010, we continued to explore the idea, and jointly visited a particularly fascinating European city - Warszawa.
Forum scientiarum workshop on energy supply
Accelerating climate change indicates the need to abandon the carbon-dependent
economy and design viable structures. The German Advisory Council
on Global Change sketches a roadmap for future energy
supply based on renewable energies. However, structures and
individuals impede progress demanding the analysis of underlying
motifs, rationalities and belief systems. Jan Christoph Goldschmidt and I organized a 5-day workshop with research
students of all kind of disciplines, analyzing questions of energy
supply, market structures, incentives and power relations in October 2006. Click here for joining our platform, other workshops and meetings are in pipeline.